
среда, 16. март 2011.

Besplatno upoznavanje devojaka

Bio sam pomaže pokriti dokumentarni film o ljudima koji još uvijek žive u plemenima duboko u džungli. I couldn't imagine living the way these people do but it's their way of life and they seem fine with it. Nisam mogao upoznavanje devojaka  zamisliti život način na koji ti ljudi rade, ali to je njihov način života i oni činiti se u redu s njim.

I got injured and was sent to the tent of their doctor. Dobio sam ozlijeđen i poslan je u Šator svojim liječnikom. It was all so weird the way  agencija za things were handled but thankfully it was only a flesh wound and I just needed to rest for the remainder of the evening. To je sve tako čudno kako stvari bile obrađene, ali srećom to je samo površinska rana, a ja samo je potrebno da se odmorim za ostatak večeri.

I was given some sort of hot tribal drink to prevent infection. Dobio sam nekakvu vruće plemenskih piće kako bi spriječio infekcije. chat za upoznavanje It made me very relaxed and was quite soothing. To me jako opuštena i bio je vrlo umirujuće. The doctor left the tent and I was then greeted by a woman who would stay with me through the night...I guess she was like a nurse. Liječnik je napustio šator i sam tada bio dočekali ženu koja će ostati sa mnom preko noći ... Mislim da je kao medicinska sestra. She spoke no English so we couldn't talk to each other. Ona ne progovori ni engleski pa nismo mogli razgovarati jedni s drugima.

Her skin was black and her smile seemed to glow as she cared for me. Njezina koža je crna, a njen osmijeh činilo da sjaj dok je stalo za mene. She was dressed in a garment that looked like it was once a long skirt, now tattered and torn. Bila je obučena u odijelu koji je izgledao kao da je nekad duge suknje, sada dronjav i rastrgan. She had nothing covering her breasts, as was the apparent style of all the women in the tribe. Ona je ništa pokriva njezine grudi, kao što je očito stil svih žena u plemenu.

She began taking off my clothes and gave me a hot bath. Počela je uzimajući off svoju odjeću i dao mi je topla kupka. I know they look nasty on tv and in magazines, but this woman was making me horny as her large breasts hung down and brushed my skin as she bathed me. Znam da oni izgledaju gadno na TV iu časopisima, ali to je žena što mi je rožnat kako joj velike grudi visio dolje i brušenog moje kože kao i ona mi je okupana. My cock made no secret of it's arousal. Moj penis ne taji da je uzbuđenja.

The women of this tribe are expected to be there for the men whenever and however it is demanded. Žena toga plemena Očekuje se da će biti tamo za muskarce kad god i koliko god je to zahtijevao. Women were being used for sex on a constant basis. Zene su se koristili za seks na stalno. I felt bad for them but they seemed to just let it happen as a service to their tribe or like it was their good deed for the day. Osjećao sam se loše za njih, ali se činilo da samo neka se to dogodi kao servis za svoje pleme, ili kao što je to bila njihova dobra djela za taj dan.

Seeing my cock in it's fully erect state, she took off her skirt and cleansed her untamed, hairy, bush. Vidjevši moj penis u nju potpuno je uspravno stanje, ona je skinula suknju i čisti joj nepripitomljen, dlakav, grm. It looked like she was pleasuring herself as she slowly rubbed her pussy. Izgledalo je kao da je i sama pleasuring kao ona polako gumiran joj maca. I couldn't help it....I wanted to fuck her! Nisam mogao pomoći .... ja sam htjela da zajebavati joj!

I tired to get up but I was weak from the hot drink and she shook her head no and eased me back down. Sam umoran da biste dobili gore, ali sam bio slab iz vruće piće, a ona odmahnula glavom bez mene i olakšalo natrag dolje. She tied my hands and feet to the cot and straddled me. Ona je vezan rukama i nogama za krevet i mene se nalazila. Her soft hairy pussy rubbed my cock a few times then she lifted it up with her hand. Njezina meka dlakava maca počeškala penis nekoliko puta onda je to podigao rukom.

She said something I couldn't understand and then lowered herself onto me. Ona je rekla nešto što nisam mogao razumjeti, a zatim i sama spušta na mene. She gracefully rode me as she chanted something over and over again. Ona me graciozno jahali kao ona pjeva nešto iznova i iznova. Then she came and got off of me and began the most intense blowjob ever. Zatim je došao i izašao iz mene i počeo najintenzivnije blowjob ikad. She gripped and massaged my balls with her rough hands as she went down on me. Ona je zahvatila i masira moje loptice s njom grube ruke kao ona siđe na mene. Her lips were plump and wet as she continued deep throating me. devojke iz Srbije za upoznavanje Njene usne su bile splasnuti i vlažnim kao što je duboko i dalje me throating.

I moaned as I began to cum. Ja moaned kao što sam počeo da se sperma. She smiled at me as she swallowed my load. Ona mi se nasmiješio kao što je progutala moj opterećenja. Then she let out some wierd and very loud war cry that brought in two men who were guarding my tent. Zatim je pustiti neke čudne i vrlo glasno plakati koji su doveli do rata u dva čovjeka koji su bili čuvanje moj šator. They all were smiling as they chanted something together. Svi su bili nasmijani jer su uzvikivali nešto zajedno. Then, the men let out their cocks and she got on top of one as the other one got in front of her and rammed his cock in her mouth. Zatim, ljudi pustiti van njihove cocks i ona dobila na vrhu jedan kao drugi dobio ispred nje i rammed njegov penis u usta njezina. The one guy came quickly in her mouth and left the tent while the other one pushed her off of him and brutally fucked her while he tortured her tits by slapping them and pulling her nipples really hard. Jedan tip je došao brzo u  devojke usta i ostavio šator, a drugi ju je gurnuo sa njega i brutalno jebeno joj, dok je on mučio joj tits za šamaranje ih i povlačenjem njezine bradavice jako teško.

I was told later, this was her punishment for not making him cum first. Rečeno mi je kasnije, ovo joj je kazna za ne čineći ga prvi sperma. Once he came, he slapped her face and left the tent. Nakon što je došao, on je ošamario joj lice i napustio šator. Another man came in and fucked her up the ass while he slapped her back. Još jedan čovjek došao u njoj i sjeban magarca dok on ošamario leđima. He came and then a woman came in the tent. Došao je i onda žena došla u šator. He gently kissed her and said something that made her sit on his lap and fuck him very fast. On je nježno poljubio i rekao nešto što je napravio joj sjedi na njegovu krilu, a jebi ga vrlo brzo. He sucked her nipples and when she made him cum, he shoved her to the ground and left. On je sisao bradavice i kad ga je napravio sperma, on ju gurnuo na tlo i ostavio.

The two women bathed each other gently in a non sexual way but it made me horny as fuck! Dvije žene okupana međusobno nježno u ne seksualan način, ali to mi je uspaljen kao zajebavati! Seeing this, they took turns sucking my cock until I came. Vidjevši to, oni su se pretvara sisanče moj penis dok sam došao. I was able to rub the one woman's slit as her pussy was near my tied up hand. Sam bio u mogućnosti da protrljati jedne žene prorez kako joj maca bila blizu mog zavezana ruke. She seem to like it as she untied my hand letting me finger her. Ona čini da ga kao što je razriješen moje ruke ostavljajući mene joj prst. She showed the other woman her pussy after I made her cum. Ona je pokazala druga žena joj maca nakon što sam napravio joj sperma. The other woman wanted me to do that to her and they traded places. Druga žena mi je htjela učiniti da joj i oni kojima se trguje mjesta. I gave her the same treatment and when she came, she spread her lips for the other one's approval. Dao sam joj isti tretman, a kad je došla širiti njezine usne za drugi odobrenja. On trazi

They bathed me again and put my clothes on me. Oni su me kupali opet i staviti svoju odjeću na mene. I awoke the next morning and felt so rested. Sam se za upoznavanje probudio sljedećeg jutra i osjećao tako odmoran. I have to say that was the strangest sexual encounter I have ever had. Moram reći da je seksualni susret najčudnijih koje sam ikada imao. I was actually quite freaked out by it all and decided to not volunteer for any more trips to the jungle. Zapravo sam prilično u panici zbog sve i odlučio da ne volonter za više putovanja u džunglu. 

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